7 Portland Flugtag Flying Fails

August 10, 2015

by Drew Zieff
7 Portland Flugtag Flying Fails

It’s been well over a century since the Wright Brothers took to the skies. Still to this day, however, would-be pilots are tinkering away in their garages, tiptoeing a fine line between innovation and failure.

We proudly present Redbull’s Flugtag, a global event that celebrates innovative failures more than any other. In German, this sonically jarring word means, “Flight Day” or “Airshow.” Teams cobble together homemade flying machines; components include bike wheels and papier-mâché wings. Then, they launch the man-made flying machines off a raised platform into the water. 

Flight is unlikely, failure is certain and the crowd can’t get enough. 

These 7 crashes are from the Portland stop. Start brainstorming and prepare for next year’s Flugtag event series. 


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