“Deep Water Soloing,” AKA Psicobloc, refers to climbers sending unaided on routes above, you guessed it, deep water. No ropes – only a liquid crash pad below.
When shifting tides reveal jagged rock, does it become Shallow Water Soloing?
Here, Neil Gresham attempts “The Abyss,” an S3 climb in Great Britain. S3 is the toughest DWS grade, referencing the staggering height, difficulty and danger of the climb. The Abyss has earned its difficult rating largely due to no-fall moves that put climbers high above exposed rock and shallow water.
Neil’s one of few climbers with the combination of gall and talent necessary to take on The Abyss.
Cliff jumping off this beast would be one thing. Climbing it, on the other hand, is an entirely different story.