Bring tablets, phones, GPS watches and all manner of power-hungry portables back to life with this solid pick.
Active Junky’s taken both smaller ReVolt models and editions of the ReSync series to desert, mountain, ocean and forest. Each Series has its strengths and ReVolt is, in a word, muscular. Waving a banner reading “Never Power Down,” Brunton equips 9000 with “adventure armor.” Lovers of silicone wraps for shock, dust and moisture protection, they did this one right with nearly ¼” of perimeter cushioning as well as a faceplate shield closer to 1/8” thick. Testers loved the palm-sized design and obvious yellow status LEDs blinking on the topside. Underneath, Brunton’s teamed with Vibram on the 9000’s “sole” for non-slip stability – not to let it hike down the trail after you.
Key Features:
Size: 4 x 4 x 1.3 in
Weight: 10 oz
Materials: silicone