
justfly.com Promo Codes, Discounts & Cash Back

$1 Cash Back
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$1 Cash Back


Cash Back Guidelines

$5 cash back will be paid on bookings departing from the US and arriving in the US. $8 cash back will be paid on flights with any other origin/destinations other than the US. Use of coupon/promotional codes not listed on Active Junky will void Cash Back.

Posting Time

Cash Back will display in your account as Pending for up to 60 days after booking. If no reversal or cancellation takes place within that timeframe, Cash Back will be moved to approved status and will be paid in the following payout cycle.

About justfly.com Coupon Codes, Promos, Discounts & Cash Back

Justfly.com is one of the fastest growing online travel companies in the US. With a dedicated team with years experience of serving US travel needs offline, we decided to take our expertise to the web and develop amazing software to improve every aspect of the travel process. We are a well skilled team software engineers and travel specialists that work tirelessly to make Justfly.com one of the best sites to plan, book, and manage your travel plans.

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