It’s winter, it’s cold and maybe all you want to do is huddle under a mountain of blankets on your couch. Our bodies naturally have less energy during these months and sometimes hibernation sounds more appetizing than venturing out into the world. But don’t give up on staying active just yet—here are some simple tips for getting out and making moves this winter.
Image via Michael Stolp-Smith
For many, winter means their favorite sport is back in rotation. Skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and winter hikes are serious calorie burners. If you’re new to these activities, make a commitment to try one this season and see what you think!
Whether you’re a mountain biker, a rock climber or a pick-up soccer player in the summer, you can make winter adjustments to the activities you love. Try a spin class, go to a climbing gym or sign up for an indoor soccer league. Winter is all about adapting.
No one wants to go stir crazy. Whether you live in the mountains, the suburbs or the city, remember to get out of the house for a bit. It doesn’t have to be a huge adventure—just gear up and head out for a stroll on the sidewalks or a short hike (although you may need snowshoes if there’s plenty of the deep stuff).
Maybe those icy sidewalks suggest it’s time to take your jog inside. Find a gym with and adapt your routine to winter.
Swimming is a super effective, low-impact workout. You’ll work many of the muscles in your body without the strain of weight lifting or harsh cardio exercises. Find a local recreation center with an indoor pool and get some laps in.
Choose whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, leafy greens, citrus, seeds and other healthy foods to give you that extra jolt of energy you need during the winter. Limit high-sugar and fatty foods, which will only add to your lethargy.
First things first, when it comes to staying warm while being active, everything from your beanie to your socks plays a part. Finding the right gear to stay warm and dry in all climates and circumstances is crucial. When comparing different brands and looking for the best prices—Active Junky can help!
Don’t skimp on hydrating just because it’s not hot out. Drinking water is just as important during the winter as the summer. Adequate hydration can also help you fight fatigue so you have enough energy to keep moving.
A lack of sunshine during winter months affects the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Vitamins like D and B12 are particularly important to give you energy and improve your immune system. Consider supplements or load up on vitamin-rich foods.